By-Laws Of the Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club

Revision approved October 8, 2011

Article I - Name and Purpose of the Club

Section A - The name of the Club shall be the Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club

Section B - The purpose of the Club will be to promote the hobby of water gardening, and the keeping of ornamental fish, to disseminate information about the above to the membership, to engage in the educational and social activities related to our purposes; and to acquire and own such property as may be necessary for any or all of the foregoing purposes.

Article II - Membership

Section A - Active Member - Any family who has an interest in water gardening and ornamental fish culture shall be eligible for membership, and upon application and payment of dues as outlined in Article III, shall be a member. Any member may voluntarily withdraw or may be suspended or expelled by majority vote at a general meeting for violation of the by-laws, non-payment of dues or for conduct deemed detrimental to the Club.

Section B - Professional Member or Dealer - (as defined by the AKCA) is defined as any individual or organization with a valid business license engaged in the sale of Koi or pond products related to the Koi and/or pond hobby for commercial gain. This membership does not carry a vote or eligibility for elected office.

Section C - Membership in this Club shall be open to any individual without regard to race, creed, national origin or sex.

Section D - Membership shall not be transferable and both membership and rights in the property of the Club shall cease and terminate upon death, withdrawal, expulsion or other termination of membership in the Club. Family memberships shall be limited to 2 adult voting members. A single membership shall consist of one adult voting member.

Section E - Voting shall be done personally by members in good standing. A single member is still limited to one vote even if they purchase a family membership.

Section F – Non payment or past due payment of dues – A member who is past due by more than 1 month past their anniversary month shall be considered to have left the club. A past due member who within 6 months wishes to be reinstated, shall upon bringing their dues current, be reinstated as of their original anniversary date.

Section G – The officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President) or their appointed delegates shall at their sole discretion be empowered to:

  • Remove from membership or limit attendance or participation at club meetings, pond tours, koi shows or other club events, of anyone who is deemed to be disruptive or detrimental to the club.
  • Approve or reject advertisers placing advertisements in any club-sponsored publication

The officers or their delegates may make such decisions at any time by a majority of the votes cast. The club members at any officially scheduled business meeting may also affirm, modify or reject any such decisions made solely by the officers or they’re appointed delegates.

The club members may also at any officially scheduled business meeting take any of the same actions by a majority vote of the members present.

Article III - Dues and Initiation Fee

Section A - The annual dues for family memberships shall initially be $20.00. Single memberships shall initially be $15.00. Annual dues are payable the month of each members anniversary.

Article IV - Meetings

Section A - The regular meetings of the membership shall be held monthly, at a time to be determined by majority vote of those members present at any regular meeting of the Club. A change in the established date, time and location of these regular meetings may be made by majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, and upon written notice to the membership of such change in the form of the Club newsletter or other notice.

Section B - Special meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the Board of Directors or by special request to the President of at least five (5) duly qualified members. The President will set the date, time and location of such meeting subject to the approval of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors and notice to the membership at least three (3) days in advance of such meeting. If a majority of the membership is present at such special meetings, any business normally done only at regular meetings may be transacted. Notice of special meetings must also include a summary of the business items to be acted upon.

Article V - The Board of Directors

Section A - The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Club and the immediate past President. The President shall be the chairperson on the Board. In the event of a vacancy or vacancies the remaining Directors shall fill the vacancy or vacancies for the unexpired term or terms by appointment.

Section B - The term of the members of the Board of Directors shall be one year.

Section C - There shall be established, regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors and notice thereof given to all Directors not less than one (1) day prior to such meetings. These meetings may be held at any time or place agreed upon by the majority of the Board.

Article VI - Officers of the Club

Section A - The officers of the Club shall be:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

and such other additional officers as the Board of Directors and/or the members approve. These officers are elected by the membership for a one-year term.

Section B - Vacancy in any office shall be filled by any member appointed by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term.

Article VII - Election of the Officers & Board

Section A - At the regular meeting in the month of August, the President will appoint a nominating committee composed of not less than three (3) members including a chairperson for that committee. The committee will meet prior to the September meeting. At the September meeting the chairperson of the nominating committee shall present the slate of candidates to the membership. The President will call for nominations from the floor. Upon close of nominations the President will call for a vote at the October meeting. This list of candidates will be published in the October newsletter. The voting will take place during the October meeting. The vote may be verbal, by hand or by secret ballot. The new officers will be installed at the close of the October meeting.

Section B - All elections or appointments are subject to the approval of those elected or appointed.

Article VIII - Duties of Officers

Section A - The duties of the President shall be:

  1. To preside at all monthly meetings at which he or she is present.
  2. To appoint all committees and chair persons thereof
  3. To install the newly elected officers at the end of his or her term (or appoint someone to do so).
  4. To call special meetings of the Club, committees, Board of Directors or any other meeting which may be requested as outlined in the by-laws.
  5. In case of any question or demeanor, while in office, the President is further governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 9th Edition or latest edition.

Section B - The duties of the Vice-President shall be:

  1. To assume all duties of the President during his or her absence or upon request by the President, plus other duties which may be assigned.

Section C - The duties of the Secretary shall be:

  1. To keep all records of the meetings including meetings of the Board of Directors.
  2. To send out all notices of regular or special meetings as deemed necessary by the President or Board of Directors. Meeting notices in the Club newsletter are deemed to comply with the by-laws.

Section D - The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

  1. To collect and record all dues, initiation fees, special fees, etc. paid to the Club as a result of its activities, plus all other monies due the Club.
  2. To prepare and present at each regular meeting a report of the receipts and expenditures during the previous month.
  3. To pay predetermined accounts as may be authorized by the membership of the Club and to pay those bills presented and approved at each regular or annual meeting.
  4. To prepare and submit all reports required by any governmental agency.

Article IX - Committees

Section A - There shall be standing committees and select committees. All committees other than standing shall be created by the President as the need arises. All standing committee chairpersons shall keep a record of the proceedings and actions of their respective committees as a history and to assist successive committee persons.

Article X - Approval & Amendments to the By-laws

Section A - These by-laws may be approved or amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present at any meeting of the membership provided proper notice of said meeting is given, in writing, as specified in these by-laws. The full text of the by-laws, or amendments thereto, which are proposed must be served upon each member at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which such by-laws or amendments are to be voted upon. Proposals for amendments to the by-laws shall be instituted only by the Board of Directors or at least five (5) or more members.

Article XI - Property rights of members

Section A - The property of this Club is irrevocable dedicated to the objects and purposes of the Club as outlined in Article I, Section B of these by-laws. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, its properties and monies shall not revert to the possession of the membership but be given to another non-profit Club or educational organization within the Mid-Columbia which is to be chosen by the membership of the Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club, and whose aims and purposes are similar to those of the Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club. No part of any net earning or assets of the Club shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual.

Article XII - Parliamentary Authority

Section A - This club shall be guided by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (9th Edition) provided that they are not in conflict with these laws.